WPT Cyprus and bad cashgame run

Hello everyone, again :) Wow, it's been a long time since I've been writing, there are lots of things to talk about. It's kind of hard to get back there to August and correctly write about everything, but I'll give my best. WPT Kyrenia - Cyprus After successfully completed 5k August challenge, I got a call from a friend telling me that he would share his hotel room with me. Things already went better than expected. I bought a plane ticket, but sadly, from Sofia to Larnaca (which is on Greek side of Cyprus). Irresponsible, as I am, I didn't google anything about Cyprus. After I landed there, things got complicated. First, I didn't even know where the Hotel & Casino were, so I asked the taxi driver. He actually told me that it was on the other side of the island and that there is no direct transfer there, except taxi. I was curious to see if he was lying or not, and then googled it. He was actually not lying, so I had to pay 100e to go from Larnaca to ...