WPT Cyprus and bad cashgame run

Hello everyone, again :)

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been writing, there are lots of things to talk about. It's kind of hard to get back there to August and correctly write about everything, but I'll give my best.

WPT Kyrenia - Cyprus

After successfully completed 5k August challenge, I got a call from a friend telling me that he would share his hotel room with me. Things already went better than expected. I bought a plane ticket, but sadly, from Sofia to Larnaca (which is on Greek side of Cyprus). Irresponsible, as I am, I didn't google anything about Cyprus. After I landed there, things got complicated. First, I didn't even know where the Hotel & Casino were, so I asked the taxi driver. He actually told me that it was on the other side of the island and that there is no direct transfer there, except taxi. I was curious to see if he was lying or not, and then googled it. He was actually not lying, so I had to pay 100e to go from Larnaca to Kyrenia. Second complication was on the border between Greek and Turkish side. Suddenly, he told me that he forgot his ID and he couldn't pass the border, so I had to call another taxi, and paid only half of the price for the first one. Second taxi came in few minutes, and it was 100e total taxi trip.
Since my friend was coming the day after, I had to find a place to sleep over for 1 night. There wasn't big mess about it, and I found my place to stay in few minutes, which was really nice and calm place to relax and enjoy good weather and cocktails.

Almond Holiday Village

I went to casino after, and played some cash game. It was minimum 5/10 USD cash game with the waiting list of like 20 people, and many tables of 5/10/25 USD with free slots. I hate to wait for anything so I sat down to 5/10/25 table. It was truly a roller coaster game. I was stuck for 5.000 but managed to win it back till the end of the night. Went back to Almond Village, slept over and then got a call from Vladimir Bozinovic, who told me that he arrived. I packed my stuff and went to Merit Hotel & Casino where the tournament was held. We enjoyed all the day time on the beaches and at the bars and played cash games at night. Unfortunately, my game was going worse and worse. At the end of second night, I was down for 2.000$. Told myself I was gonna get it back the day after, but hey, things weren't going as expected, so I lost another 2.000. That's it, I didn't even have enough money to buy-in for the tournament. Was going for another cash game night, and yes, I managed to get like 2k back in the longest poker session of my life (18 hours), but it was already too late, the tournament started the day before. Never mind, I was going to play more cash game since the games were really good. 4th night at the casino, I was again stuck for 2k and I stopped with it. There are plenty of situations where I thought I couldn't lose, but the opponents always showed me the nuts, and I was second nuts. Was really, really sick of it. Quads over Full houses, 2nd nuts flush vs nut flush, flopped Quads vs nut flush etc.. Anyway, I was keeping my thoughts bright and continued to enjoy the 'holiday' :).
There was a really good players' party with lots of fireworks and spectacular shows on stage with free drinks for everyone. Too bad there weren't many girls...

Players' party

Both Vlad and me, along with Ognjen Sekularac got really drink. By saying really I mean REALLY, since I couldn't remember when or how I entered my room.
The day after, I went down to casino to play some cash game but all the tables were full and some tournament with 300+30$ buy in was starting. I didn't even look, just went to registration desk and registered. It was SuperHoldem tournament. Everything was fine unless I got 3 cards for my hand. First thought was the dealer made a mistake, but no, everyone on the table got 3 cards. WTF was it? :D I was told that it was SuperHoldem tournament, and that the rules are the same as for Texas Holdem, except you can use all 3 cards. Lots of fun for me. I continued with the tournament and my chip stacks were getting higher and higher. Holla, it was already final table after few hours. WPT side event final table, even if it was SuperHoldem. I was really excited to play it. Unluckily, I was busted on 5th place and cashed 2.000$ even I had my opponent hardly dominated. It was a 2 outer. I was too sick of poker that night and went up to enjoy a little bit more. Finally, I went to sleep before 4AM. Next day was the day I should go home. I had 6k in my pocket, and bam, what an idea. I'm not going to play either 5/10 or 5/10/25 but 25/50! I sat down with few really good players and few businessmen on the table. It took only 1 hour for things to get incredibly wrong. KQ open, got called by the businessman. Flop came KQx. In less than minute, we were all in, and he showed J10, and yes, the turn came 9 and that's the quickest 5k lost in my life. The only good thing was that I didn't have enough money to play again, and I was so sick about poker. Next day, was the day I should leave, so I spent it enjoying the beautiful beaches and beautiful sea at the resort.

Beautiful  sea at Aquarium Beach

I really don't want to remember what thoughts were coming across my mind after I finally left the hotel and went for a trip back to Sofia. It was a mixture of beautiful and awful memories. My poker related thoughts were totally out of the line, but I hoped that everything will come back to normal after I come back...
It was a really educative trip for me and I hope that I will never make mistakes as I did there (playing without motivation, on tilt, tired, out of bankroll).

That was the end of a holiday trip which costed a lot more than expected, but from which I could learn a lot.

Until the next post - good night with a song


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