Eureka Poker Tour and something more
Hello to all the readers,
Actually, this post will feature another two big successes at poker in May.
1) I managed to cash at the biggest tournament I've played so far
2) I managed to complete my 10k challenge in no time :)
10k Challenge
As you could read in the previous post, I challenged myself to make 10k euro profit until the end of July. The challenge started on the May the 1st. I went for live cash games in Grand Casino Belgrade. The game running was 2/5. I made like 2k profit on that game in 2 days. Then The Danube Poker Masters was announced. I played all 4 events: 200e side event, 500e main event, 150e bounty event and 1100e highroller event. Unfortunately I cashed only at the side event for 900e. On the main event I was busted by Eros Nastasi who played pretty f*cking awesome hands versus me! In the bounty event I was knocked out with QQ versus Greek player who called with AJ, of course A on the flop (lucky Greeks lol). On the Highroller event I played only dozen of hands. In first hand I lost half of my stack with QQ vs 99 with 9 on the river and bad call by me, and lost another hand with KK vs 66 and 6 on the turn. The brighter side of the Danube Poker Masters was that there was really fine 5/10 cash game. In 2 sessions, I was up for 9k. After that I was invited to play private cash game 5/10 and was up for another 2.8k and my challenge is completed. Didn't expect myself to finish THAT fast, but it took me only 2 weeks to complete the challenge. I was really really happy about it and got my mental state of mind in good shape.
Eureka Poker Tour Dubrovnik
Huh, where to start? Let's try like this...
After the most terrifying flight I've ever had, I was happy to see Dubrovnik and Rixos Luxury Hotel with the most beautiful sea view I've ever seen. The look from the terrace is like this:
The weather in Dubrovnik when we came was cloudy, but it lighten up in an hour or so. I was happy to travel there with dozen of Serbian players including Danube Poker Masters main event and highroller champions Rakic and Rob. Rakic was my roommate, and we've got ourselves great room with a great view as well. When we arrived, day 1A of the tournament was running. There was about 100 players, mostly qualifiers from PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, some pros, and some 'normal' guys who bought in directly. We've decided to play Day 1B and continued to have fun at the hotel and to check the old town of Dubrovnik.
After suntanning a little bit and going to old town, I had decided to play cash game that night. I played 2/5 then 5/10 games and got myself nice profit of 4700e. I was happy I ran that good and went to sleep feeling happy as well. Next day, I woke up around noon, chilled up some at the terrace and went to play Day 1B.
I bought in directly and was seated next to Serbian player Ozren. I had tough table with Full Tilt Poker pro from Hungary, Andras Nemeth, and previous Eureka Poker Tour Prague winner Bart Lybaert, some local Croats who weren't good to be honest and one Greek player who was playing good and ran good also.
Ozren was running like a God after I sat next to him. He managed to get to 70k chips from starting 20k in first 2 levels by good play and good run. The game was going on, and I was down to 15k I guess when I was in all in for the first time in the tournament. I was playing pretty aggressively whole tournament, and managed to get all-in with tight Croatian lady. Of course, I was unhappy when she showed me AA, and I've got myself all in with AKoff. I can't remember correctly what was the flop, but on the turn I picked up some out by turning flush draw and I said to the players 'oh, I've picked up some outs'. The river came and it was Ace of clubs, and my King was clubs. What a disaster card for lady! She left immediately with no comments and I was feeling really sorry about her, but hey, that's poker :).
The tournament continued and I was surviving the day by stealing blinds, and raise/c-betting around with some hands. In few hours I was moved to even harder table with Belgian Team PokerStars Pro Matthias De Meulder, and other young and aggressive players from Denmark, Britain, Bulgaria and so on. I was keeping my stack at around 25k with no real big hands. Then, I was moved to another table 15 minutes after the end of the day. That table was really tough with 3 Croatian pro players but I managed to play only few hands and get my stack up to 32k for the end.
After the end of the tournament day, I drank some beer with Serbian friends on the terrace and was really enjoying that night.
Day 2 of Eureka started awesome for me! I actually managed to double up in a very first hand with K3 of hearts after I flopped the K-high flush on Q-high board and another player had pushed me all in with Q7off. It felt good to know that he had 0 outs on the turn. I was running hot on day 2 and managed to get my stack up to 90k after calling a 4-bet with ATss in position and raise-pushing on 552ss flop. After that hand no really big hands were played. Then I was moved to another table with Slovakian Team PokerStars Pro Dag Palovic, chip leader on the tournament, another Serbian player and 3 more aggressive players. There was a hand where UTG +1 opened, Dag called, everyone folded to me with QTss on the button. I squeezed the pot, initial raiser folded, and Dag moved all in. I was thinking a lot what could be his hand there, and I actually called for the 50% of my stack. He showed 99 and I was happy to flip, but unfortunately, I didn't find any outs on the board. After that hand he was moved to another table and I was left with 100k in chips. The bubble was near and tightened up a little bit. There was a hand where UTG opened, mid position called, BTN called and myself from the small blind called with 77. Flop was 234 and I donk bet at them. UTG raised me immediately, mid position went for a all-in (around 50k) and I just called from SB, and UTG also called. The turn came 5. I check, UTG bet all in, I fold. Showdown: UTG: 66, Mid pos: AA. I played that hand awfully but was happy to see AA cracked after play like that. I was down to 15 BBs. In 15 minutes or so, the bubble popped, and we were in the money!!! I was happy about it, but I was worried about my stack. Card dead period came, and I was down to 10BBs. I pushed all-in in a hand where everyone folded to me, and I looked at T4 of hearts then pushed all in to the tightest player on the table, but was unhappy to hear him calling. Showdown: SB: T4hh, BB: A8ss. Once again, I found no out on the board and I was out on 32. place for a nice prize of 1900e. There was a players' party that night and I actually wanted to go there only if the most beautiful dealer went, but she wasn't sure about it and I decided not to go.
I went for a cash game, and it didn't start really good. We were playing 5/10 texas hold'em and I was down 500e, but then rebought and continued. At some time, all players on the table agreed to play 1 circle of Texas Hold'em and 1 circle of Pot Limit Omaha. Sounded good to me, playing PLO with good players on 5/10 blinds. It just sounded good. I finished the night with 2500e lost. Damn, doesn't really matter, cashed in the tournament, still had a profits on cash games... I just went up for a drink and a smoke on the terrace and then got some rest.
Next day we went to the old town again, had a breakfast there, went back to hotel and went for a first-time-this-year swimming in Adrian Sea. It felt awesome. After it we continued to drink some, and get our skins tanned :D. I found out for a turbo side event of 165e buy-in. Then, I quickly went for a shower since it was 16:30 and the event was already running 30 mins with late reg of 1 hour. I came to the tournament area in the very last minute and officials at first told me that the registration is over, but I managed to charm up a little bit woman official and get myself tournament ticket :). It was really really turbo tournament. I'll write down some hands that were interesting. Starting stack was 20k, and I was down to 15k when I opened from the mid position with 22 and the big blind called. Flop was A27. He checks, I bet, he calls. Turn was J. He checks, I bet, he raise, I go for an all-in and he calls. Showdown: Big blind: Ax7x, myself: 22 for a set and I doubled up. Soon I was moved to another table and was playing ultra aggressive there. There was another big stack at that table. Us two were the biggest stacks. He opened, I 3-bet with AQ from hijack, he 4-bets, I 5-bet shove, he folds. I'm happy. :) I continued to play loose and aggressive when I found pocket Queens in hand! UTG opens, Mid calls, I 3-bet, UTG folds, mid goes for all-in for 15k at blinds 200/400. The old man was obviously irritated by my playstyle but I guess he didn't like my call there. Unfortunately the window card was 8 and I can't remember the rest, and I lost that pot. Some time I was card dead when the new players came to the table. There was a young and aggressive boy, and Croatian girl who played balanced. Girl opens from UTG, I raise (60k stack, 250/500 blinds), aggressive boy goes all-in, she folds and I was in tough situation. I tanked for 2 minutes and called with AQoff, he showed 44. Another bad flip, he flipped a set. Doesn't matter, I still have chips. The very next hand I went all in with 33 and got a call from a guy with AJ. This time I won the flip and was up to 40k. I pushed once again the next hand with AToff, no calls. Third hand in a row, I open with AA from mid position, BB who was short stacked goes all in with KQ of hearts. I call. No help for him, and I was up to 65k or something. Then, the table was broken. I was moved to another table and felt really comfortable there. Blinds were really high, and I was waiting for push. Like everyone was short at that time and it was all about push or fold. I found AKss in UTG and opened. Everyone folded to BB and he pushed all in. If I called I would have had 3 blinds left. And I called. The flop came A89 rainbow. Turn Q. River 7. Damned 7 from heaven. I hated that card but it didn't put me on tilt, it was turbo tournament after all. Next hand, I was bb with 86 of hearts. There was a 3-way all-in and I was in :D. Turned a nuts. Back to 12 blinds, woo-hoo. Then I was moved to another table. With around 100k in chips. I doubled up on new table, than took a 100k pot again and was up to 300k then we were down to 18 players, 14 were in the money. There were a lot of Greek players on the table and a lot of Greek spectators. I was feeling happy to understand them, but I couldn't talk much with them :)). First flip: young Greek goes all-in from UTG, I call with 88. Safe flop, turn Q, river blank. Blah, another lost flip. The very next hand, I got pocket 88s again. I open, another Greek pushes all-in, I call. He opens AJ. Safe flop. Safe turn. BOOM, Ace from space. Down to 100k and little over 8 blinds. Bubble popped and we were in the money. Again, proud of myself. Good month so far, 8 tournaments, 5 cashes. Blinds were going up and my stack was going down. I was down to 5 bbs because I had no good cards or good spots for a push. Then mid position went for an all-in, young greek called with 2 blinds left from SB and I called from the BB with A4off. Greek had 84.
Flop came A8x, Turn 5. River blank.
Out at 9th place for 350e prize. After I left the tournament area, I went for another cash game night. Tough table with some pros, but it was 5/5 blinds. I sat down, lost 500, bought in for another 1000. Lost 700 from there with some semibluff/folds, rebought again for another 700 for a total of 2200e in. I was playing aggressive again, and had really insane image on the table. AA on the big blind, my stack was around 1500e. Straddle was also in. Mid opens to 30, hijack calls, sb calls, I 3-bet to 155. Mid folds, HJ calls, sb calls. Flop was K82ss. SB checks, I bet 325, HJ raise to 750, SB folds, I push all in for 1500. He called. Turn blank. River K. Showdown: Hero: AA, HJ: K9ss. That's the guy who won Eureka Prague, and I was thinking to myself 'that's how you need to run to win it'. I felt like dog shit and went up. I found Rob and Rakic in the hotel lobby discussing poker hands and sat down with them. It's always fun to listen those two. Those two made me feel a lot better. Rakic and myself went up for another drink at the terrace and then went for a sleep. We were going back to Belgrade next day and I wanted to wake up for breakfast and to sunbath a little. Unfortunately, when I woke up the only thing I could we was TORNADO. Real tornado at the open sea. Then we went for breakfast which was awesome. It lightened up and we could actually go sunbathing and we drank our last two beers at the 'beach' lounge bar. The flight back was a lot more comfortable than the last one.
It was a great event and great experience for me, could learn a lot from it.
On the other side, I'm having a big life dilemma: continue the faculty or quit it? The fact that I won't be making this much money even with faculty tells me to quit, but I don't want to stay with high school degree. I'm also thinking about investing this money in some private jobs but I'll wait a little bit for it.
One more fact: I have to start training, and I'll probably put another challenge for poker or faculty AND physical challenge. I got to get myself fit for the summer, for sure.
I hope you enjoyed this post because I had a lot of inspiration for it, and I'm gonna finish with this song:
Actually, this post will feature another two big successes at poker in May.
1) I managed to cash at the biggest tournament I've played so far
2) I managed to complete my 10k challenge in no time :)
10k Challenge
As you could read in the previous post, I challenged myself to make 10k euro profit until the end of July. The challenge started on the May the 1st. I went for live cash games in Grand Casino Belgrade. The game running was 2/5. I made like 2k profit on that game in 2 days. Then The Danube Poker Masters was announced. I played all 4 events: 200e side event, 500e main event, 150e bounty event and 1100e highroller event. Unfortunately I cashed only at the side event for 900e. On the main event I was busted by Eros Nastasi who played pretty f*cking awesome hands versus me! In the bounty event I was knocked out with QQ versus Greek player who called with AJ, of course A on the flop (lucky Greeks lol). On the Highroller event I played only dozen of hands. In first hand I lost half of my stack with QQ vs 99 with 9 on the river and bad call by me, and lost another hand with KK vs 66 and 6 on the turn. The brighter side of the Danube Poker Masters was that there was really fine 5/10 cash game. In 2 sessions, I was up for 9k. After that I was invited to play private cash game 5/10 and was up for another 2.8k and my challenge is completed. Didn't expect myself to finish THAT fast, but it took me only 2 weeks to complete the challenge. I was really really happy about it and got my mental state of mind in good shape.
Eureka Poker Tour Dubrovnik
Huh, where to start? Let's try like this...
After the most terrifying flight I've ever had, I was happy to see Dubrovnik and Rixos Luxury Hotel with the most beautiful sea view I've ever seen. The look from the terrace is like this:
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Look from the terrace |
The weather in Dubrovnik when we came was cloudy, but it lighten up in an hour or so. I was happy to travel there with dozen of Serbian players including Danube Poker Masters main event and highroller champions Rakic and Rob. Rakic was my roommate, and we've got ourselves great room with a great view as well. When we arrived, day 1A of the tournament was running. There was about 100 players, mostly qualifiers from PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, some pros, and some 'normal' guys who bought in directly. We've decided to play Day 1B and continued to have fun at the hotel and to check the old town of Dubrovnik.
After suntanning a little bit and going to old town, I had decided to play cash game that night. I played 2/5 then 5/10 games and got myself nice profit of 4700e. I was happy I ran that good and went to sleep feeling happy as well. Next day, I woke up around noon, chilled up some at the terrace and went to play Day 1B.
I bought in directly and was seated next to Serbian player Ozren. I had tough table with Full Tilt Poker pro from Hungary, Andras Nemeth, and previous Eureka Poker Tour Prague winner Bart Lybaert, some local Croats who weren't good to be honest and one Greek player who was playing good and ran good also.
Ozren was running like a God after I sat next to him. He managed to get to 70k chips from starting 20k in first 2 levels by good play and good run. The game was going on, and I was down to 15k I guess when I was in all in for the first time in the tournament. I was playing pretty aggressively whole tournament, and managed to get all-in with tight Croatian lady. Of course, I was unhappy when she showed me AA, and I've got myself all in with AKoff. I can't remember correctly what was the flop, but on the turn I picked up some out by turning flush draw and I said to the players 'oh, I've picked up some outs'. The river came and it was Ace of clubs, and my King was clubs. What a disaster card for lady! She left immediately with no comments and I was feeling really sorry about her, but hey, that's poker :).
The tournament continued and I was surviving the day by stealing blinds, and raise/c-betting around with some hands. In few hours I was moved to even harder table with Belgian Team PokerStars Pro Matthias De Meulder, and other young and aggressive players from Denmark, Britain, Bulgaria and so on. I was keeping my stack at around 25k with no real big hands. Then, I was moved to another table 15 minutes after the end of the day. That table was really tough with 3 Croatian pro players but I managed to play only few hands and get my stack up to 32k for the end.
After the end of the tournament day, I drank some beer with Serbian friends on the terrace and was really enjoying that night.
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Damn, I already miss this |
Day 2 of Eureka started awesome for me! I actually managed to double up in a very first hand with K3 of hearts after I flopped the K-high flush on Q-high board and another player had pushed me all in with Q7off. It felt good to know that he had 0 outs on the turn. I was running hot on day 2 and managed to get my stack up to 90k after calling a 4-bet with ATss in position and raise-pushing on 552ss flop. After that hand no really big hands were played. Then I was moved to another table with Slovakian Team PokerStars Pro Dag Palovic, chip leader on the tournament, another Serbian player and 3 more aggressive players. There was a hand where UTG +1 opened, Dag called, everyone folded to me with QTss on the button. I squeezed the pot, initial raiser folded, and Dag moved all in. I was thinking a lot what could be his hand there, and I actually called for the 50% of my stack. He showed 99 and I was happy to flip, but unfortunately, I didn't find any outs on the board. After that hand he was moved to another table and I was left with 100k in chips. The bubble was near and tightened up a little bit. There was a hand where UTG opened, mid position called, BTN called and myself from the small blind called with 77. Flop was 234 and I donk bet at them. UTG raised me immediately, mid position went for a all-in (around 50k) and I just called from SB, and UTG also called. The turn came 5. I check, UTG bet all in, I fold. Showdown: UTG: 66, Mid pos: AA. I played that hand awfully but was happy to see AA cracked after play like that. I was down to 15 BBs. In 15 minutes or so, the bubble popped, and we were in the money!!! I was happy about it, but I was worried about my stack. Card dead period came, and I was down to 10BBs. I pushed all-in in a hand where everyone folded to me, and I looked at T4 of hearts then pushed all in to the tightest player on the table, but was unhappy to hear him calling. Showdown: SB: T4hh, BB: A8ss. Once again, I found no out on the board and I was out on 32. place for a nice prize of 1900e. There was a players' party that night and I actually wanted to go there only if the most beautiful dealer went, but she wasn't sure about it and I decided not to go.
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Felt like falling in love :D |
Next day we went to the old town again, had a breakfast there, went back to hotel and went for a first-time-this-year swimming in Adrian Sea. It felt awesome. After it we continued to drink some, and get our skins tanned :D. I found out for a turbo side event of 165e buy-in. Then, I quickly went for a shower since it was 16:30 and the event was already running 30 mins with late reg of 1 hour. I came to the tournament area in the very last minute and officials at first told me that the registration is over, but I managed to charm up a little bit woman official and get myself tournament ticket :). It was really really turbo tournament. I'll write down some hands that were interesting. Starting stack was 20k, and I was down to 15k when I opened from the mid position with 22 and the big blind called. Flop was A27. He checks, I bet, he calls. Turn was J. He checks, I bet, he raise, I go for an all-in and he calls. Showdown: Big blind: Ax7x, myself: 22 for a set and I doubled up. Soon I was moved to another table and was playing ultra aggressive there. There was another big stack at that table. Us two were the biggest stacks. He opened, I 3-bet with AQ from hijack, he 4-bets, I 5-bet shove, he folds. I'm happy. :) I continued to play loose and aggressive when I found pocket Queens in hand! UTG opens, Mid calls, I 3-bet, UTG folds, mid goes for all-in for 15k at blinds 200/400. The old man was obviously irritated by my playstyle but I guess he didn't like my call there. Unfortunately the window card was 8 and I can't remember the rest, and I lost that pot. Some time I was card dead when the new players came to the table. There was a young and aggressive boy, and Croatian girl who played balanced. Girl opens from UTG, I raise (60k stack, 250/500 blinds), aggressive boy goes all-in, she folds and I was in tough situation. I tanked for 2 minutes and called with AQoff, he showed 44. Another bad flip, he flipped a set. Doesn't matter, I still have chips. The very next hand I went all in with 33 and got a call from a guy with AJ. This time I won the flip and was up to 40k. I pushed once again the next hand with AToff, no calls. Third hand in a row, I open with AA from mid position, BB who was short stacked goes all in with KQ of hearts. I call. No help for him, and I was up to 65k or something. Then, the table was broken. I was moved to another table and felt really comfortable there. Blinds were really high, and I was waiting for push. Like everyone was short at that time and it was all about push or fold. I found AKss in UTG and opened. Everyone folded to BB and he pushed all in. If I called I would have had 3 blinds left. And I called. The flop came A89 rainbow. Turn Q. River 7. Damned 7 from heaven. I hated that card but it didn't put me on tilt, it was turbo tournament after all. Next hand, I was bb with 86 of hearts. There was a 3-way all-in and I was in :D. Turned a nuts. Back to 12 blinds, woo-hoo. Then I was moved to another table. With around 100k in chips. I doubled up on new table, than took a 100k pot again and was up to 300k then we were down to 18 players, 14 were in the money. There were a lot of Greek players on the table and a lot of Greek spectators. I was feeling happy to understand them, but I couldn't talk much with them :)). First flip: young Greek goes all-in from UTG, I call with 88. Safe flop, turn Q, river blank. Blah, another lost flip. The very next hand, I got pocket 88s again. I open, another Greek pushes all-in, I call. He opens AJ. Safe flop. Safe turn. BOOM, Ace from space. Down to 100k and little over 8 blinds. Bubble popped and we were in the money. Again, proud of myself. Good month so far, 8 tournaments, 5 cashes. Blinds were going up and my stack was going down. I was down to 5 bbs because I had no good cards or good spots for a push. Then mid position went for an all-in, young greek called with 2 blinds left from SB and I called from the BB with A4off. Greek had 84.
Flop came A8x, Turn 5. River blank.
Out at 9th place for 350e prize. After I left the tournament area, I went for another cash game night. Tough table with some pros, but it was 5/5 blinds. I sat down, lost 500, bought in for another 1000. Lost 700 from there with some semibluff/folds, rebought again for another 700 for a total of 2200e in. I was playing aggressive again, and had really insane image on the table. AA on the big blind, my stack was around 1500e. Straddle was also in. Mid opens to 30, hijack calls, sb calls, I 3-bet to 155. Mid folds, HJ calls, sb calls. Flop was K82ss. SB checks, I bet 325, HJ raise to 750, SB folds, I push all in for 1500. He called. Turn blank. River K. Showdown: Hero: AA, HJ: K9ss. That's the guy who won Eureka Prague, and I was thinking to myself 'that's how you need to run to win it'. I felt like dog shit and went up. I found Rob and Rakic in the hotel lobby discussing poker hands and sat down with them. It's always fun to listen those two. Those two made me feel a lot better. Rakic and myself went up for another drink at the terrace and then went for a sleep. We were going back to Belgrade next day and I wanted to wake up for breakfast and to sunbath a little. Unfortunately, when I woke up the only thing I could we was TORNADO. Real tornado at the open sea. Then we went for breakfast which was awesome. It lightened up and we could actually go sunbathing and we drank our last two beers at the 'beach' lounge bar. The flight back was a lot more comfortable than the last one.
It was a great event and great experience for me, could learn a lot from it.
On the other side, I'm having a big life dilemma: continue the faculty or quit it? The fact that I won't be making this much money even with faculty tells me to quit, but I don't want to stay with high school degree. I'm also thinking about investing this money in some private jobs but I'll wait a little bit for it.
One more fact: I have to start training, and I'll probably put another challenge for poker or faculty AND physical challenge. I got to get myself fit for the summer, for sure.
I hope you enjoyed this post because I had a lot of inspiration for it, and I'm gonna finish with this song:
See you in next blog post :)
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