Tana Delle Tigri (Nova Gorica) + new challenge!

Hello dear followers,

Recently, after that huge up & down I mentioned in last post, I was about to take a small break from poker. I went to my hometown, had a lot of fun with good old friends, had some relaxing time in Grza, and while we were there, I got myself a phone call from my friend Loncar asking me if I'm willing to go to Tana Delle Tigre tournament in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. I called my friend from faculty asking if we had any tests, and after I was told we hadn't, I knew I was going to that tournament. The tournament was held from 24.-26. April.
Beautiful lake of Grza
The trip started, and I found myself in the car with Loncar and his wife. It was kinda annoying to me, but after I've met Ceca (his wife), I was pretty much okay with it. After 6 hours of traveling, we were in hotel Perla in Nova Gorica. The manager the managed us a special discount for rooms and I was happy about it. The tournament was starting at 21h, and we arrived at 19h. I took a shower, made myself ready for it and went to the poker room. There were cash games running and 30 minutes before the tournament I sat down at 1e/3e blinds table. It didn't take me much to make a 400e profit, tho I had a sick bluff with even sicker river card that made me 400e :D. It went like this:

We all had similar stacks
All fold to me (button) with 2d3d
Hero (btn) open 10e
SB folds
BB calls
Flop: 5dJx6x
BB checks
Hero bets 14
BB calls
Turn: 5dJx6xJx
BB checks
Hero bets 20
BB raises 70
Hero raises all-in
Hero calls
Hero shows 2d3d
BB shows Jx7x
River: 5dJx6xJx4x

Run-like-God mode started :D
The cash game table was closed after that hand and we started a tournament.
Starting stack was 30k in chips, with blind levels of 45 minutes. I found myself my table pretty easy with only 1 or 2 good players. However, after 3 hours of playing my stack was down to 12k due to opening/3betting in position and folding to c-bet/raising when I didn't have a hand. There was a pause around midnight and I decided to start drinking beer. Seems like it was crucial :). I managed to triple up in first few hands after pause with AA versus TT and AQ. Was up to around 40k. Since my image on the table was pretty aggressive I could use it a lot with good hands. Another double up came up with me holding JJ versus a guy holding TT. Was up to 100k where average chip count was about 50k. Until the end of the day I managed to play my game and I was feeling even more comfortable at the table. I made my stack up to 120k at the end of the day without big showdowns. The day was finished and I entered day 2 with 3rd biggest stack.
Day 2 was really really easy for me without any tough decisions. The hands I was thinking in my head was actually hands playing at the table, there's really nothing much to say about day 2 except I made my stack up to 1.2M in chips and finishing the day as a chipleader. I was exhausted but managed to rest really good that night.
Chip lead at the end of the day 2 (man, I love this pic :D)

There were 16 (not really sure) players left for a final day and it has started. In first few hands I used my chip stack to put players on pressure and when I had a hands they were spilling their chips at me and I was knocking them out. I like the Italian media's nickname for myself: il serial killer :D.
So, we were down to the final table. My first ever live game final table. I was so excited (and I just couldn't hide it), and things were really going well. First two knockouts were done by me, and another second knock outs were knocked by another Italian player. We were down to 5 players with myself as chipleader holding around 2.5M chips where 5.85M chips were in play in total. In half of hour I had some big hands which unluckily were bad for me. First, I had 44 and got spiked on pocket Aces in btn vs blind and I was down to 1.7M. Few hands after, again button vs blind situation and guess what? I was again against aces with A5, and no suckouts from me. Down to 1.2M (average stack). One of the players asked for a chop half of hour ago when I was massive chip leader, and one of the player didn't like it. He asked again when I was down to 1.2M and everyone agreed. I was thinking if it was a good move since I thought I have big edge on that final table but didn't want to be the one to hate and accepted to chop.
The biggest stack took around 16.000e cash, second stack got 14.500e cash, I got 11.500e cash and I'm not really sure about 4th and 5th player but I think it was around 9.500e for 4th and 8.000e for 5th.
Top 5 at the tournament. Was a pleasure to play with those guys.
 I was really happy about my playing and about my cashing. It was second live cash in just two weeks, and it felt amazing! Since we finished the tournament earlier by chopping I had decided to go to the cash game 1/3. I sat down with 350e and I was drinking with a girl from Croatia who came with friends to have some fun there, and a nice Italian guy (one of few who knew English) who I had nice chat with. I cashed out 1.400e and I think it was about good karma for the tournament :). After cashing out and getting drunk, I went up to my room since I was exhausted and finished my fun at around 4 AM. We were going back tomorrow.
We have had some problems with the police in return since Loncar didn't fasten his seat belt but  it was okay. So I was in Belgrade after few days. That day, I called my friends and went to Grand Casino Belgrade for a drink and to play some. Even there I earned some money. It really felt like I'm on a sick heater. Good life I'm thinking.

Bad part of the story is that I hadn't had much time for studying. I had few tests right after I came back, and to be honest, since I didn't study at all, I can't be disappointed by results. Anyway, the moment I complete my challenge (you'll read about it in next paragraph), I'm gonna try to study hard and to do a good job at faculty for the summer.

The challenge!

After quitting a challenge where I should make 500e online from starting 50e (I really didn't have motivation to play that challenge although it would have helped me a lot for my online bankroll managing), I decided to make a new one. Earn 10.000e until the end of July. It started good both, online and live. Right now, it's about 1/3 done, but let's see what the time will tell!
I made around 2.600e in live cash games and cashed yesterday in Danube Poker Masters Warm-up event for 850e and I'm really happy about it because it's my first tournament cash in big tournaments in Serbia.
Things online are getting better too. After making the challenge I made around 400e for few hours of playing. Summing it up, it's 3.850/10.000 after 1 week only. Woah, I'm definitely on a sick heather ;).

Thanks for your time, expect new blogpost after Eureka Poker Tour in Dubrovnik (25th-30th May).
See you : )


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